

AIRS 2013 Second Call for Papers

The Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS) aims to bring together researchers and developers to exchange new ideas and latest achievements in the field of Information Retrieval. The scope of the conference covers applications, systems, technologies and theory aspects of information retrieval in text, audio, image, video and multimedia data.

The AIRS 2013 welcomes submissions of original papers in the broad field of Information Retrieval. The technical areas covered include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. IR Models and Theories

  2. User Study, IR Evaluation and Interactive IR

  3. Web IR, Scalability and IR in Social Media

  4. Multimedia IR

  5. Natural Language Processing for IR

  6. Machine Learning and Data Mining for IR

  7. IR Applications

The AIRS 2013 proceedings will be published as a Springer's LNCS volume. According to this, all submissions should comply with the corresponding author instructions available at the Springer's LNCS website

The paper selection will follow a standard double-blind reviewing process, so submissions must not include author names, affiliations or self-references. Maximum paper length is 12 pages in the LNCS format. Submissions not following these guidelines, as well as duplicated submissions, will be rejected unconditionally.

Paper submissions must be completed electronically and in PDF format to the following URL: https://www.softconf.com/e/airs2013/

Important Dates:

  June 23rd, Paper Submission Due

  July 28th, Notification of Acceptance

  August 11th, Camera Ready Due

  December 9th ?11th AIRS 2013 in Singapore
