户 名:中国中文信息学会
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地 址:北京8718信箱"中国中文信息学会"
收 款 人:中国中文信息学会
地 址:北京海淀区中关村南四街4号院7号楼201房间
户 名:中国中文信息学会
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2013年10月10日至11日,第十二届全国计算语言学会议(CCL 2013)在苏州大学成功召开。会议主办单位是中国中文信息学会计算语言学专业委员会,组织单位是清华信息科学与技术国家实验室,承办单位是苏州大学。
本届会议共收到论文投稿252篇,录用127篇,其中中文论文95篇,英文论文32篇。中文论文推荐至《中文信息学报》和《计算机工程与应用》发表,英文论文推荐至Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI)发表。
会议邀请了加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Randy Goebel教授、微软研究院邓力博士、谷歌公司林德康博士、美国伦斯勒理工学院季姮教授做特邀报告。四位特邀报告专家深入浅出地介绍了相关领域的国际前沿动态,受到与会代表的广泛欢迎。
为促进和加快我国民族语言文字信息化的进程、加强各民族同行间的学术交流和合作,中国中文信息学会民族语言文字信息专业委员会在2013年9月13日至15日在甘肃省兰州市举办了 “中国第14届民族语言文字信息处理学术研讨会”。
清华大学 马少平《语言无关的社交网络突发事件发现与情感分析方法》
天津大学 党建武《互联网时代信息交互与言语信息处理的前沿问题探讨》
Call For Participation: NTCIR-11 IMine Task
IMine(Intent Mining, 用户意图挖掘)是NTCIR-11新添加的任务,也是其6个核心检索任务之一,由来自清华大学、微软亚洲研究院、京都大学、爱丁堡大学的研究者共同组织。IMine的核心任务,是面向在搜索环境中广泛存在的歧义性查询需求进行挖掘与分析,探讨评价方法、改进查询性能。任务将使用ClueWeb12和SogouT数据集合进行检索,并提供搜索用户行为数据集合辅助分析,参加者所提交的结果将通过专业标注和众包标注两种方式进行评价。
Conference website:http://sigir.org/sigir2014/
SIGIR is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The Conference and Program Chairs invite all those working in areas related to IR to submit original papers for review. SIGIR 2014 welcomes contributions related to any aspect of IR theory and foundation, techniques, and applications. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Document Representation and Content Analysis (e.g., text representation, document structure, linguistic analysis, NLP for IR, cross- and multi-lingual IR, information extraction, sentiment analysis, clustering, classification, topic models, facets, text streams)
- Queries and Query Analysis (e.g., query intent, query suggestion and prediction, query representation and reformulation, query log analysis, conversational search and dialogue, spoken queries, summarization, question answering)
- Retrieval Models and Ranking (e.g., IR theory, language models, probabilistic retrieval models, learning to rank, combining searches, diversity and aggregated search)
- Search Engine Architectures and Scalability (e.g., indexing, compression, distributed IR, P2P IR, mobile IR, cloud IR)
- Users and Interactive IR (e.g., user studies, user and task models, interaction analysis, session analysis, exploratory search, personalized search, social and collaborative search, search interface, whole session support)
- Filtering and Recommending (e.g., content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, recommender systems)
- Evaluation (e.g., test collections, experimental design, effectiveness measures, session-based evaluation, simulation)
- Web IR and Social Media Search (e.g., link analysis, click models/behavioral modeling, social tagging, social network analysis, blog and microblog search, forum search, community-based QA, adversarial IR and spam, vertical and local search)
- IR and Structured Data (e.g., XML search, ranking in databases, desktop search, entity search)
- Multimedia IR (e.g., image search, video search, speech/audio search, music search)
- Other Applications (e.g., digital libraries, enterprise search, genomics IR, legal IR, patent search, text reuse, new retrieval problems)
Full papers (10 pages), Short papers (4 pages), Demos (3 pages), Tutorials, Workshops
Requirements for paper format and appropriate content are described in the content guidelines. The requirements will be strictly enforced. Papers which do not conform to the requirements may be rejected without review, so please be sure to read this page carefully.Requirements for paper format and appropriate content are described in the content guidelines. The requirements will be strictly enforced. Papers which do not conform to the requirements may be rejected without review, so please be sure to read this page carefully.
SIGIR 2014 solicits proposals for tutorials of either half-day (3 hours plus breaks) or full day (6 hours plus breaks) on all topics of information retrieval and its applications. Each tutorial should cover a single topic in detail. Submissions should include a cover sheet and an extended abstract.
Proposals for workshops to be held at ACM SIGIR 2014 are also solicited. Workshops will usually last for one day and will be held on Friday 11th July 2014.
- 20 January 2014: Abstracts for full research papers due
- 27 January 2014: Full research papers due
- 3 February 2014: Workshop proposals due
- 17 February 2014: Short paper, demonstration, and tutorial submission deadline
- 18 April 2014: Paper, short paper, tutorial, and demonstration acceptance notifications
- 11 May 2014: Camera ready copy due (note the short timeline due to early conference date)
- 16 May 2014: Early bird registration deadline
General Chairs: Shlomo Geva, Andrew Trotman
PC Chairs: Peter Bruza, Charles L. A. Clarke, Kalervo Järvelin
Call For Papers:The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics(ACL 2014)
The Association for Computational Linguistics is pleased to announce that its 2014 Annual Meeting will take place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA on June 22nd to 27th. The conference invites the submission of long and short papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research in all aspects of automated language processing. ACL 2014 will accept papers accompanied by the resource (software or data) described in the paper. In addition to the regular review of the research quality of the paper, these papers will also be reviewed for the quality of the resource available. Papers that are submitted with accompanying software/data will receive additional credit toward the overall evaluation score, and acceptance or rejection decision will be made based on the quality of both the research and the software/data component. As done at ACL 2013, some of the presentations at the conference will be of papers accepted for the new Transactions of the ACL journal (http://www.transacl.org/). Note that the official publication date for papers at ACL 2014 will be one week before the conference starts.
ACL 2014 has the goal of a broad technical program. Thus, ACL 2014 invites papers in the following categories:
- Applications/tools
- Empirical/data-driven approaches (submissions reporting negative results of sensible experiments are also welcome)
- Resources and evaluation
- Theoretical
- Survey papers
ACL 2014 will use different review forms, with the review forms tailored to the type of submission.
Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas (in alphabetical order):- Cognitive modeling of language processing and psycholinguistics
- Dialogue and interactive systems
- Discourse, coreference and pragmatics
- Evaluation methods
- Generation
- Information retrieval
- Language resources
- Lexical semantics and ontologies
- Low resource language processing
- Machine translation: methods, applications and evaluation
- Mathematical linguistics, grammatical formalisms
- Multilinguality in NLP
- NLP applications
- NLP for the Web and social media
- Phonology/Morphology, word segmentation
- Tagging and chunking
- Question answering
- Semantics
- Sentiment analysis, opinion mining and text classification
- Spoken language processing
- Statistical and Machine Learning methods in NLP
- Summarization
- Syntax and parsing
- Text mining and information extraction
Important Dates
- Long Submission Deadline: January 10, 2014 (11:59pm PST)
- Long Notification: March 5, 2014
- Long Camera Ready Deadline: April 11, 2014
- Short Submission Deadline: March 12, 2014 (11:59pm PST)
- Short Notification: April 17, 2014
- Short Camera Ready Deadline: April 30, 2014
- Conference Starts: June 22, 2014
Long papers: ACL 2014 submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included. Submissions will be judged on appropriateness, clarity, originality/innovativeness, correctness/soundness, meaningful comparison, thoroughness, significance, contributions to research resources, and replicability. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three program committee members. Long papers may consist of up to eight (8) pages of content, plus two extra pages for references; final versions will allow nine pages of content and should take into account reviewers' comments. Papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program committee. Decisions on presentation format will be based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between long papers presented orally and as posters.
Short papers: ACL 2014 also solicits short papers. Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. Characteristics of short papers include:
- A small, focused contribution
- Work in progress
- A negative result
- An interesting application nugget
Short papers will be presented in one or more oral or poster sessions, and will be given four (4) pages plus 2 pages for references in the proceedings. While short papers will be distinguished from long papers in the proceedings, there will be no distinction in the proceedings between short papers presented orally and posters. Each short paper submission will be reviewed by at least three program committee members.
Electronic Submission:
Submission is electronic, using the Softconf submission software at https://www.softconf.com/acl2014/papers for long papers and https://www.softconf.com/acl2014/shortpapers for short papers.Format:
Long paper submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL 2014 proceedings without exceeding eight (8) pages of content plus two extra pages for references. Short paper submissions should also follow the two-column format of ACL 2014 proceedings, and should not exceed four (4) pages plus at most 2 pages for references. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files tailored for this year's conference. Submissions must conform to the official style guidelines, which are contained in the style files, and they must be in PDF.As the reviewing will be blind, papers must not include authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ..." must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ..." Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. In addition, please do not post your submissions on the web until after the review process is complete.
ACL 2014 Style Files:
Important: Remove authors information from your manuscripts when submitting them for blind review!
- acl2014.tex (Latex)
- acl2014.sty (Latex)
- acl2014.pdf (Latex)
- acl.bst (Latex)
- acl2014.dot (MSWord)
Multiple-submission policy:
Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must indicate this at submission time. Authors of multiply submitted papers accepted by ACL 2014 must notify the program chairs whether the paper will be presented at ACL 2014 within two days of acceptance. We will not accept for publication or presentation papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. Authors submitting more than one paper to ACL must ensure that submissions do not overlap significantly (>25%) with each other in content or results. More details on the ACL multiple-submission policy can be found at http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=Guidelines_and_policies.Presentation requirement:
All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for ACL 2014.
General Chair
Daniel Marcu, SDL and ISI/USC
Program Co-Chairs
Kristina Toutanova, Microsoft ResearchHua Wu, Baidu
SemEval 2015 - Call for Task Proposals
SemEval-2015: 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations
Call for Task Proposals
We invite proposals for tasks to be run as part of SemEval-2015.
Starting with 2015, SemEval will run on a two-year cycle, which will give both task organizers and task participants more time for all steps of the process, including data preparation, system design, analysis, and paper writing.
We welcome tasks that can test an automatic system for semantic analysis of text, be it application-dependent or application-independent. We especially welcome tasks for different languages and cross-lingual tasks.
We encourage the following aspects in task design:
Common data formats
To ensure that newer annotations conform to existing annotation standards, we encourage the use of existing data encoding standards such as MASC and UIMA. Where possible, reusing existing annotation standards and tools will make it easier to participate in multiple tasks. Moreover, the use of readily available tools should make it easier for participants to spot bugs and to improve their systems.
Common texts and multiple annotations
For many tasks, finding suitable texts for building training and testing datasets in itself can be a challenge or somewhat ad hoc. To make it easier for task organisers to find suitable texts, we encourage the use of resources such as Wikipedia, ANC and OntoNotes. Where this makes sense, the SemEval program committee will encourage task organizers to share the same texts for different tasks. In due time, we hope that this process will allow the generation of multiple semantic annotations for the same text.
Baseline systems
To lower the obstacles to participation, we encourage the task organizers to provide baseline systems that participants can use as a starting point. A baseline system typically contains code that reads the data, creates a baseline response (e.g., random guessing), and outputs the evaluation results. If possible, baseline systems should be written in widely used programming languages. We also encourage the use of standards such as UIMA.
Umbrella tasks
To reduce fragmentation of similar tasks, we will encourage task organisers to propose larger tasks that include several subtasks. For example, Word Sense Induction in Japanese and Word Sense Induction in English could be combined into a single umbrella task that includes several subtasks. We welcome task proposals for such larger tasks. In addition, the program committee will actively encourage task organisers proposing similar tasks to combine their efforts into larger umbrella tasks.
Application-oriented tasks
We welcome tasks that are devoted to developing novel applications of computational semantics. As an analogy, the TREC Question-Answering (QA) track was solely devoted to building QA systems to compete with current IR systems. Similarly, we will encourage tasks that have a clearly defined end-user application showcasing and are enhancing our understanding of computational semantics, as well as extending the current state-of-the-art.
- Task proposals due January 30, 2014
- Tasks chosen/merged February 28, 2014
- Trial data ready April 30, 2014
- Training data ready July 30, 2014
- Test data ready October 2014
- Evaluation start November 15, 2014
- Evaluation end November 30, 2014
- Paper submission due January 30, 2015
- Paper reviews due February 28, 2015
- Camera ready due March 30, 2015
- SemEval workshop Summer 2015
The SemEval-2015 Workshop will be co-located with a major NLP conference in 2015.
The task proposals should ideally contain the following:
- A summary description of the task
- How the training/testing data will be built and/or procured
- The evaluation methodology to be used, including clear evaluation criteria
- The anticipated availability of the necessary resources to the participants (copyright, etc.)
- The resources required to prepare the task (computation and annotation time, costs of annotations, etc)
If you are not yet at a point to provide outlines of all of these, that is acceptable, but please give some thought to each, and present a sketch of your ideas. We will gladly give feedback.
Please submit proposals as soon as possible, preferably by electronic mail in PDF format to the SemEval email address:
Preslav Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute
Torsten Zesch, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Please join our discussion group at [email protected] in order to receive announcements and participate in discussions.
The SemEval-2015 Website:
Read more:http://portal.aclweb.org/content/semeval-2015-call-task-proposals
《中文信息学报》第27卷,第6期 2013年12月目录
题目 |
作者 |
页码 |
HDP与互信息相结合的中文无指导分词 | 曹自强,李素建 | 1 |
上古汉语分词及词性标注语料库的构建——以《淮南子》为范例 | 留金腾,宋 彦,夏 飞 | 6 |
基于混合策略的汉语最长名词短语识别 | 钱小飞,侯 敏 | 16 |
基于生成词库论和论元结构理论的语义知识体系研究 | 袁毓林 | 23 |
基于中文维基百科的词语语义相关度计算 | 万富强,吴云芳 | 31 |
中文事件事实性信息语料库的构建方法 | 曹 媛,朱巧明,李培峰 | 38 |
基于HNC概念关联性的领域判定研究 | 池哲洁,张 全 | 45 |
中文篇章级句间语义关系识别 | 张牧宇,宋 原,秦 兵,刘 挺 | 51 |
联合语义角色标注和指代消解 | 熊 皓, 刘 群,吕雅娟 | 58 |
基于概念特征的汉语交互类言说动词语义分析及同义词群的建构 | 肖 珊,郭婷婷 | 69 |
基于双语信息和标签传播算法的中文情感词典构建方法 | 李寿山,李逸薇,黄居仁,苏 艳 | 75 |
一种基于情绪表达与情绪认知分离的新型情绪词典 | 徐睿峰,邹承天,郑燕珍,徐 军,桂 林,刘 滨,王晓龙 | 82 |
基于情绪相关事件上下文的隐含情绪分类方法研究 | 李寿山,李逸薇,刘欢欢,黄居仁 | 90 |
面向半监督情感分类的特征选择方法研究 | 王志昊,王中卿,李寿山,李培峰,施寒潇 | 96 |
评价短语的倾向性分析研究 | 侯 敏,滕永林,陈毓麒 | 103 |
基于多特征融合的中文比较句识别算法 | 张 辰,冯 冲,刘全超,师 超,黄河燕,周海云 | 110 |
应用hLDA进行多文档主题建模关键因素研究 | 衡 伟,于 佳,李 蕾,刘咏彬 | 117 |
汉语自然话语的音高下倾 | 王茂林,訾广玲,熊 玮,林茂灿 | 128 |
基于强制对齐的层次短语模型过滤和优化 | 付晓寅,魏 玮,卢世祥,徐 波 | 134 |
基于虚拟上下文的统计机器翻译短语表的过滤 | 殷 乐,张玉洁,徐金安 | 139 |
一种基于分类的平行语料选择方法 | 王 星,涂兆鹏,谢 军,吕雅娟,姚建民 | 144 |
基于中英平行专利语料的短语复述自动抽取研究 | 李 莉,刘知远,孙茂松 | 151 |
汉英篇章结构平行语料库的对齐标注研究 | 冯文贺 | 158 |
藏语句法功能组块的边界识别 | 李 琳,龙从军,江 荻 | 165 |
蒙古文输入法输入码方案研究 | 白双成,张劲松 ,呼斯勒 | 169 |
基于统计翻译框架的蒙古文自动拼写校对方法 | 苏传捷,侯宏旭,杨 萍,员华瑞 | 175 |
维哈柯及蒙语多文种语言相似性考查研究 | 王 玲,达瓦·伊德木草,吾守尔·斯拉木 | 180 |
傣文自动分词系统的设计与实现 | 高廷丽,陶建华,戴红亮,李 雅 | 187 |
规则与统计相结合的日语时间表达式识别 | 赵紫玉,徐金安,张玉洁,刘江鸣 | 192 |
基于新闻语料库的越南语框架语义标注研究 | 林 丽 | 201 |
《中文信息学报》( Journal of Chinese Information Pro- cessing )是全国一级学会—社团法人中国中文信息学会和中国科学院软件研究所联合主办的学术性刊物,创刊于1986年10月,现为双月刊。2007年改版为大16开,每期128页,由商务印书馆出版,成为商务印书馆期刊方阵中的期刊之一,清华大学印刷厂印刷。
《中文信息学报》(国内统一刊号:CN11-2325/N;国际统一刊号:ISSN 1003-0077)国内外公开发行,国内定价每期15元,全年90元;海外US$50/年(平邮)。
国外发行处:中国图书进出口总公司 100020 北京88-E信箱
地 址:北京8718信箱 《中文信息学报》编辑部
收 款 人:《中文信息学报》编辑部
户 名:中国中文信息学会
账 号:0200004509014415619
地 址:北京海淀区中关村南四街4号院7号楼201房间
电 话:010-62562916 010-62661046
电子信箱:[email protected]
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